At first, I thought attending class on the first day of school will be scary but I was wrong because my classes that I take this semester are interesting. Have you ever felt lonely or shy, when thinking about making friends? That is what I felt on my first day of school. I have a hard time opening up myself to other people especially to the people I don't know.
On my first day of college at Southwestern College(SWC) I was so nervous because I don't know people. I didn't even know where my classes were. I got lost and that made me late for my first class! I didn't make any friends on that day but I make friends on the following days and I think its fun.
Your not alone brother... i'm sure everyone wouldn't mind being in a conversation with another person now that we are in college and many classes are usually where the students don't really all connect as a class but individually taking the class.
ReplyDeleteWell i Dont Know What TO Write But, Ive Known You From The High Dude, Didnt Really Chill together exept time to time, and i felt the same way you did in the first dqay. but now look man we all chill everyday after school man
ReplyDeleteI remember my first year in college. I went to a school with over 20,000 students. Classes had at least 50 students (with the exception of English). And the average students 27 years old (I was only 18). So I was pretty out of sort. I would eat my lunch in my car, pretending that I wanted to listen to the radio. Ha! It wasn't until the end of the first semester that I ventured into the student union, library, and cafes on campus. So I definitely get what you're talking about.
ReplyDeleteSO TRUE! this is exactly how i felt my first day of school.
ReplyDeleteTrue, on my first of day I was so nervous to go to Mesa/City Community College because there were less than 5 deaf people (Not sure how many deaf people are at City/Mesa right now). That's not much. Basically, I am one deaf student in two English, Math, and Badminton classes. I haven't make any friends yet, but later simply smile and make small conversations with some classmates. My classmates and I exchanges our cell phones for emergency homework or any questions or whatever you name it. I still have my deaf friends where I can meet at Mesa (it has a big deaf program there). I am not lonely at all, I am really busy!
ReplyDeleteI think everyone feels like this one the first day of school, but it something that we all have to overcome. Making friends is harder then is seems especially if you been around the same groups of people for 4 years. it will be a piece of cake after the first week or so.