Sunday, September 30, 2012

Concentrate On What Is Important

Put your mind to it.

Many high school graduated goes to college because they want to have a better life . But not all of them succeed  because of  problems: wrong choice of career, financial crisis, or procrastination. So, some college student have no choice but to drop out from school.

Southwestern College offers a course to help avoid or solve those problems. Its called Personal Development, and it helps with your career planning and teaches you how to be successful. Personal Development course helps me to gain confidence in myself little by little. Also, it gave me an idea on what I want to major and career to achieve.If you have a struggle of paying your college tuition fee you should apply for Free Application Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) give money to those students that apply for it, to help get through college. College students should manage their time and money in order to meet our goals.Think what is important to you and ask yourself why you are attending college?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you, I am going through some really tough decisions in life and it is affecting my education, but as you say i have realized before dropping out that this is more important that anything else in this stage of my life. I have soo many problems but either way im not leaving college for any reason. This is what
    I personally think and I surely agree with your mind, because there is so many students that dropp out of college for reasons that are not so important, or amybe they are but is better to continue and finish what you have started.
